Human Resources and Employment

Kent ISD Human Resources oversees the functions of more than 1,600 full-time and part-time staff in the ISD. We also support the efforts of 20 public school districts in Kent County through consultant and technical assistance. Additionally, by providing a regular forum for discussion of key issues, we can provide leadership and resources that help area human resource administrators "Lead Learning" in their districts. We pride ourselves on our flexibility, accessibility, and overall sense of caring for our staff and community.

For best technical results for those applying to Kent ISD positions and those applying to districts using Unified Talent's platform, use Microsoft Edge and use a PC, not a Mac or a phone or tablet. For technical assistance in applying for those positions, call 1-877-974-7437 or contact Unified Talent support.

It is the policy of the Kent ISD School Board that no student, staff member or candidate for any position in the District shall be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, origin, national origin, creed, ancestry, age, gender/sex, sexual orientation, marital status, height, weight, veteran status, political belief or disability which does not impair their ability to perform adequately in the individual's particular position or activity, excluded from participation in, denied the benefit of, or to be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity for which the Kent ISD School Board is responsible for or receives financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Education.

The Coordinator for Title IX, Section 504, the Age Discrimination Act and Title II is:

Dave Rodgers
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources & Legal Services
Title IX Coordinator

Kent ISD
2930 Knapp NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

Kent ISD is an equal opportunity employer

Payroll & Benefits

To get the most of the Kent ISD benefits packages and to learn all that is available, contact our staff in the Business Office.

  • Pam Suntken, Payroll and Benefits Supervisor 616.447.2461
  • Mary Fedewa, Payroll and Benefits Coordinator 616.365.2204
  • Jill Turnquist, Benefits 616.365.2203
  • Jason Gavie, Itinerant Payroll 616.365.2201

Welcome Back

The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) is launching the Welcome Back Proud Michigan Educators campaign for educators with expired credentials to return to the teaching workforce by reducing or eliminating professional learning recertification requirements.  

Human Resources Contacts

We'd love to hear from you! Ask us a General HR Question.

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